Complete Ski Assembly Model T

Complete Ski Assembly Model T

$ 735
PART# S1-07 (Includes S1-10 Thru S1-18) $660.00 ------ $840.00 Assembled

The assembly process includes: drilling the holes for the 5/8 A Frame mounting bolts, hogging out the underside for the special headed A Frame bolts, Priming the surfaces where the skeg attaches, attaching the skegs, mounting the ski wood to the ski metal and drilling all the holes and countersinks where necc. We suggest that you order the S1-18 A Frame bolts and we will install those also.   The factory color for ski wood was Red. We leave the wood to metal bolts uncut so that you can disassemble the complete ski to paint the bottom metal black and the ski wood red. We also offer complete painting services,.  Unassembled $660 each .  Fully painted and assembled $840.00